Reverse Osmosis System

Will my RO system protect me from boil notice? Find out here.


  • Easy to Maintain
  • No Complicated Plumbing
  • Filtered Water from Home


Reverse Osmosis 6 stage

Whole House Surge Protectors

Click here to find out how surge protectors work!

Protect your
expensive AC system, appliances & electronics!
Whole house surge protector

Automatic Standby Generator*

Learn how to safely use your portable generator here.

*Several Models Available

0% Interest for 18 months on qualifying purchases!
Generator Generac

Be Smart, Be Ready

Evacuation Plan

  • Study Maps and Plan Route
  • Purchase or Print Paper Maps – Don’t rely on Electronic Maps in an Emergency (Phone & Web service may be out)
  • Have Supplies ready for Travel
  • Ready your Pets for Travel too!
  • Review Plan with Family & Friends
  • Full tank for Vehicles

Important Documents

  • Insurance Policies
  • Deed to Home, Car Titles
  • Passport, Birth Cert., Social Security Cards, Etc.
  • Computer Files & Photos – Many of us have Important Files, Personal Information & Photos on our Computers. Back them Up to CD, DVD or the Cloud!

Plan Ahead

  • Make a list of needed supplies.
  • Check Insurance Policies & Update if necessary
  • Make a list of Important Papers & Documents
  • Plan Escape Route in case evacuation is necessary
  • Update Emergency Contact Phone numbers
  • Review Plan with Family

Stay Informed

  • Watch Local TV Weather forecasts
  • Purchase Weather Radio
  • Monitor Weather Web Stats
  • Monitor Weather Appps on Phone & Tablets
  • Contact Family & Friends as Storm Develops

Prep your Home

  • Board your Windows or at least use Tape to minimize shattered glass
  • Consider using Sand Bags to protect against flooding
  • Know how to shut off Utilities for Emergencies
  • Consider Purchasing Home Generator for Power Outages

Gather Supplies

  • Food & Water for 3 Days on Average
  • Sanitary Supplies (Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Soap, Hand Sanitizer
  • First Aid Kit
  • Batteries
  • Flashlights, Candles, Matches, Etc
  • Blankets, Change of Clothing, Sturdy Shoes, Work Gloves
  • Basic Tools (Hammer, Shovel, Pry bar, Screw Drivers, etc.)

Be Ready to Evacuate

  • Have a full tank for Vehicles
  • Have Supplies ready to travel
  • Have Pets & Pet Supplies ready if necessary
  • Monitor Forecasts for evacuation Orders & Instructions

Food & Water


  • Canned foods such as tuna,salmon, vegetables, or fruits.
  • Instant Soup Mixes
  • Noodle Packs
  • Peanut Butter
  • Cereal
  • Power Bars
  • Crackers, Cookies
  • Nuts and Trail Mix
  • Shelf Stable Milk
  • Powdered Milk, which can last for up to six months.


  • You need on average 1 GALLON of Water PER PERSON PER DAY

Hi-Tech Solution

Hand Crank Weather Radio/Charger
Many of These Devices have great features such as:

  • Solar Power
  • Phone Charging
  • Alarm
  • Radio
  • Flashlight

Learn more tips from here!